
Submissions for Ease Your Pace

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Submissions for Ease Your Pace

Published on Sep 15, 2021

Notable Submissions for Ease Your Pace

Describing a Scene - If I was a Rain Drop

The sky started turning black. I saw a very huge cloud approaching towards mine and I understood that my journey was about to begin in few seconds. Finally, the clouds collided and in that bright sparkling light I came out. I started falling joyfully like a little bird flying her first fly. when I looked around I saw many drops like me, some smiling at me each on their journey to earth. The heavy wind sometimes made us dance and collide with each other. when I looked down green plants were waving at us happily and our mother ocean was looking extremely delighted to have their children back into her lap. I saw many children playing and trying to hold us in their tiny tiny palms. I finally landed on soil and buried into her, ending my shortest and yet most beautiful journey.

K Rajeshwari (EE20B017)

Writing Prompts - What piece of advice has changed your way of thinking?

When I was in class 9, all our teachers told us that these two years are the most crucial years of one’s life. “Screw it up and it will break you. But if you are sincere enough, these two years will build you up. You won’t need to work as hard ever.” I was always a very obedient student in school. The kind of student who always follows their teachers’ advice. I passed class 10 with flying colors and at the very beginning of class 11, we were told to work hard enough to crack a good college. “Once you enter a good college you won’t have so much work and you can indulge more in your hobbies and extra-curricular interests.” Once I got into college, I found out that this isn’t any easier. And to confirm my doubts, the professors said, “You are no longer in school, so you’ll have to work hard to get across the semesters.”
Is everybody intentionally lying that the future will be easier than the present, or do they believe in what they say? Because I know now that the future will never get easier. It gets harder with every passing day. But that’s the beauty of life. We get stronger with every passing day. How else would a child who was once finding it difficult to walk would have, after a decade or so, won the school race? And after another decade or so, won the national level race? But one thing that most people have got wrong is the notion that work is boring and hard and difficult. Common! I mean we spend a third of our lives working and you want the children to grow up believing that they will hate their work? That they will have to find joy in something other than work?

Bhasamrita Sarmah (CS21M004)

Writing Prompts - Write a note to your younger self on things you want to tell him/her?

Hi, little one!
This letter should find you at age 14 or so. Are you still confused about what to be when you grow up? By this time, almost all of your classmates must have already fixed their ambitions in life. “I want to be a doctor.” “I want to be a lawyer.” “I want to be a scientist.” “I want to be an engineer.” Feels like I can still hear those voices. The adults get involved too, asking you what you want to be when you grow up. And if you say, “I haven’t thought yet”, that disgusted look on their faces will give you chills down the spine. It will make you believe that you are losing in life.
So, I am here to tell you a story. I was always a very decisive person. I always had everything figured out. When I was a little older than you, I wanted to be an Aerospace Engineer. Later on, I found out that Aerospace Engineers don’t study about skies so I wanted to become someone who does - an Astrophysicist. Wow! Such a fancy word. I loved hearing stories about the sky and wanted to become an Astrophysicist. I had no idea what an Astrophysicist does. But I stuck with that option for 7 years after I first decided on being an Astrophysicist. I studied science and then Physics. What happened after that? Well, I moved on to Computer Science!
I know this is a perplexing story and leaves you with a lot of questions. So let me tell you what happened in those 7 years. I became a little wiser and realized that “I want to be an Astrophysicist” is the wrong way of looking at things.
Do not choose the profession, choose the skills you love. Do not aspire to be an author. Improve your writing skills. Then, you can be an author, blogger, poet, novelist, scriptwriter, or whatever you want. Isn’t this a better way of looking at things? And a much simpler one too! Not to say, it broadens the number of opportunities you get. So moving back to my story, I reflected on my life a little and realized that I loved to write programs when I was in school. But as I moved to University in pursuit of my dream, this habit slowly faded away. But I was still enjoying the programming classes I took. Hence I made that crazy-looking decision.
And remember, stay away from people who say they have all figured out in life. Nobody knows what they are doing. And if someone knows what they will be doing in the next 10 years, then perhaps they are living way below their means. Grab every opportunity that comes your way. Look out for the omens the universe sends to you. Well yes, I believe in omens because looking back at my life I find that everything was aligned to send me in a particular direction. But I ignored it at that time.
So, ask yourself a better question. What is that one skill, or maybe a set of two or three skills, that you love and can monetize? Answer this question. And I’m sure you will love how things turn out in your life.
Yours only,
Future Self

Bhasamrita Sarmah (CS21M004)